Taiwo Sotikare

SEO Content Strategist and Writer for B2B SaaS, MarTech and Human Resources

Contributing Author for Entrepreneur.com, Insight.ng,  Hackernoon, FutureofSaaS, Dodonut, Pangea.ai, IncAfrica and others.

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AI, Cloud Computing and Business Management

The Beginner's Guide to Understanding Data Science and Machine Learning

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

We are on the brink of a massive technological revolution as we slowly move from the water and steam-powered first industrial revolution to the artificial intelligence-powered fourth industrial revolution. The theories backing data science and machine learning have existed for hundreds of years. There used to be times when proto-computers would take almost forever to compute a billion calculations. No one dared think of artificial i

How AI and Machine Learning Are Improving Fraud Detection in Fintech

Identity theft is common, but with the rise of AI and machine learning, its effect on the fintech industry has been reduced drastically. Here's how.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Internet fraud is a menace in our various financial institutes, and many fintech companies have been victims of this fraud game. Detection of these attacks comes in two ways: through inconsistent traditional methods or using ever-growing artificial intelligence mechanisms.


How to Choose the Best Cloud Computing Software for Your Small Business

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

SaaS, IaaS and PaaS are popular cloud computing software we use to create, build and store information over the cloud. This software helps us build, host and manage all business activities on the internet. There is hardly a single day we don't interact with at least one of these three forms of software — hence the need to have a basic knowledge of what these cloud computing software do and how we can leverage them even more for our

Understanding Gestalt Principles of Design And Their Practical Application | Dodonut

Welcome to the fascinating world of Gestalt principles of visual perception! If you've ever wondered why certain images or designs catch your eye and feel visually pleasing, then you're about to embark on an exciting journey of discovery.

Gestalt principles are all about understanding how our minds naturally perceive and organize visual information. These principles delve into the psychology of perception, unraveling the mysteries of why some compositions feel harmonious while others seem chaot

The Power of Gamification in UX Design: Driving Engagement and Retention

Gamification has been a buzzword among industry professionals since the 2010s, when it gained attention and started to be recognized as a viable strategy for enhancing user engagement and motivation. Gamification is exactly what it sounds like, adding an aspect of gameplay to an activity to make it more exciting.

The concept of gamification has taken center stage in today's ever-changing digital market, where user engagement and retention hold the key to the success of a product and service. Ga

Boost your web design efficiency with the best AI tools for web designers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the focus of 2023 Q1. The emergence of AI-powered design tools, such as Microsoft's Sketch2Code, Wix ADI, 10Web, and others, have revolutionized the web design industry. According to market analysis, the AI software market will reach $118.6 billion in annual revenue by 2025.

As a web designer or developer, the euphoria of unleashing your creative potential on a project can quickly hit a wall when overwhelmed by project-specific factors, such as project management

Technical SEO: Website Auditing and Optimization | HackerNoon

Technical SEO is one of the five branches of SEO, including off-page SEO. The holy grail of SEO is made possible and easy with this simple exercise. The chief goal of performing a Technical SEO Audit and Optimization is to make your website more CRAWLABLE**,**FAST** and**SECURE** The Basics Tenets of Technical SEO are to make the website more 'Crawlable' and 'FAST' Your website must be optimized and filtered to appear on the search engine result page.

5 reasons to fire your web dev agency | Pangea.ai

Harsh, but maybe a sorry fact – your web development agency may need to be fired. Many online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience. Paying a web development agency that lacks the expertise to create an excellent website that meets your business needs, may have dire consequences for your business.

A well-designed, is crucial for your business success in today's increasingly sophisticated market. Your website serves as a platform to showcase your products or servic